
Ocean Oilfield Integrated Solutions are committed to upholding sustainability in the locations we operate and how we operate as an organization. This is essential for addressing the challenges of climate change. Our approach to sustainability is directly linked to our organizational values and our mission which is to provide a total quality drilling service upholding the values of our stakeholders with a remarkable social commitment to the environment and to the safety and well-being of our employees.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) serve as a collective roadmap for promoting peace, prosperity, and sustainability for current and future generations. Comprising of 17 goals, they encompass a wide range of objectives; moreover, the SDGs address pressing issues such as climate change, as well as the conservation of oceans and forests. By embracing these goals, we can collaborate toward constructing a better future for all. At Ocean Oilfield Integrated Solutions, we are fully dedicated to aligning our operations with the UN SDGs as we strive to integrate sustainability into our business practices. Out of the 17 SDGs, there are seven that hold particular significance to Ocean Oilfield Integrated Solutions.


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We are taking proactive steps to eliminate unwanted waste from our operations and facilities and promote the use of sustainable and bio-degradable products where possible.

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We are committed to zero discharge to the environment that may cause harm to our eco-system and work with our clients to operate to the highest environmental standards.

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We focus on initiatives to support energy efficient operations both offshore and within our shipyard facilities. Collectively as an organization, we work on reducing our emissions and to overall contribute to the energy transition.


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We abide by all local and national regulations and are committed to protecting human rights and operate to the highest ethical standards.

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We work closely with our business partners and Clients to strengthen relationships and collaborate on achieving more sustainable outcomes.